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- BeeOpen – An Open Data Sharing Ecosystem for Apiculture. Shreyas M. Guruprasad and Benjamin Leiding. Agriculture 14(3), 470, doi:, 2024. (Link)
- Internet of Things and Digitalization for the Circular Economy – A New Lecture at Clausthal
University of Technology. Sandra Nowosad, Benjamin Leiding and Oliver Langefeld. Mining Report 160.1 (2024).
- Blockchain-based Quality Management for a Digital Additive Manufacturing Part Record. Erik Westphal, Benjamin Leiding and Hermann Seitz. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, doi:, 2023. (Link)
- MushR: A Smart, Automated, and Scalable Indoor Harvesting System for Gourmet Mushrooms. Anant Sujatanagarjuna, Shohreh Kia, Dominique Fabio Briechle and Benjamin Leiding. MDPI Agriculture, doi:, 2023. (Link)
- Can Distributed Ledgers Help to Overcome the Need of Labeled Data for Agricultural Machine Learning Tasks? Stefan Paulus and Benjamin Leiding. Plant Phenomics, doi:, 2023. (Link)
- A Technological Framework for Scalable Ground-Up Formation of Circular Societies. Anant Sujatanagarjuna, Joint Proceedings of ICT4S 2023 Doctoral Symposium, Rennes, France, doi:, 2023. (Link)
- Formalizing and Safeguarding Blockchain-Based BlockVoke Protocol as an ACME Extension for Fast Certificate Revocation. Anant Sujatangarjuna, Arne Bochem and Benjamin Leiding. MDPI Cryptography, doi:, 2022. (Link)
- Development and evaluation of a machine learning-based in-hospital COvid-19 Disease Outcome Predictor (CODOP): A multicontinental retrospective study. Riku Klén, et al. eLife 2022, doi:, 2022. (Link)
- The Machine-to-Everything (M2X) Economy: Business Enactments, Collaborations, and e-Governance. Benjamin Leiding, Priyanka Sharma and Alexander Norta. Future Internet, 13(12), 319, doi: , 2021. (Link)
- Implementing the Circular Economy by Tracing the Sustainable Impact. Sebastian Lawrenz, Benjamin Leiding, Marit Elke Anke Mathiszig, Andreas Rausch, Mirco Schindler and Priyanka Sharma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11316, doi: , 2021. (Link)
- Formalizing the Blockchain-Based BlockVoke Protocol for Fast Certificate Revocation Using Colored Petri Nets. Anant Sujatanagarjuna, Arne Bochem and Benjamin Leiding. Information, 12(7), 277., 2021. (Link)
- A Formal Specification Smart-Contract Language for Legally Binding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. Vimal Dwivedi, Alex Norta, Alexander Wulf, Benjamin Leiding, Sandeep Saxena and Chibuzor Udokwu. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pages 76069-76082, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3081926, 2021. (Link)
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the End-of-Life for Smart Devices. Sebastian Lawrenz and Benjamin Leiding. In The Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), pages 196-202, 2021. (Link)
- Rechained: Sybil-Resistant Distributed Identities for the Internet of Things and Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Arne Bochem and Benjamin Leiding. Sensor, 21(9), 3257., 2021. (Link)
- Come back when you are charged! Self-Organized Charging for Electric Vehicles. Benjamin Leiding. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.11025, 2021. (Link)
- The M2X Economy – Concepts for Business Interactions,Transactions and Collaborations Among Autonomous Smart Devices. Benjamin Leiding. PhD Thesis, University of Goettingen, Germany, January 2020. (Link)
- BlockVoke – Fast, Blockchain-Based Certificate Revocation for PKIs and the Web of Trust. Abba Garba, Arne Bochem und Benjamin Leiding. In The 23rd Information Security Conference – ISC2020, Virtual Conference, December 16–20, 2020. (Link)
- Safeguarding a Formalized Blockchain-Enabled Identity-Authentication Protocol by Applying Security Risk-Oriented Patterns. Alex Norta, Raimundas Matulevičius, and Benjamin Leiding. Computers & Security, 86:253 – 269, 2019. ISSN 0167-4048. doi: (Link)
- Disruptives Publizieren mit der Blogchain. Clemens H. Cap and Benjamin Leiding. In: Fill HG., Meier A. (eds) Blockchain. Edition HMD. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Germany, November 2019. (Link)
- Automated Sensor-Fusion Based Emergency Rescue for Remote and Extreme Sport Activities. Benjamin Leiding, Arne Bochem, and Luca Hernandez Acosta. In IWCMC 2019 Wireless Sensor Symposium (IWCMC-Wireless Sensors 2019), Tangier, Morocco, 2019. IEEE. (Link)
- Lowering Financial Inclusion Barriers With a Blockchain-Based Capital Transfer System. Alex Norta, Benjamin Leiding, and Alexi Lane. In CryBlock 2019 – 2nd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (co-located with INFOCOM 2019), Paris, France, 2019. IEEE. (Link)
- Blogchain – Disruptives Publizieren auf der Blockchain. Clemens H. Cap and Benjamin Leiding. In HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Springer), October 2018. (Link)
- Enabling the Vehicle Economy Using a Blockchain-Based Value Transaction Layer Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. Benjamin Leiding, and William V. Vorobev. In The 12th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems – MCIS 2018, Corfu, Greece, September 2018. (Link)
- Unchained Identities: Putting a Price on Sybil Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Arne Bochem, Benjamin Leiding, and Dieter Hogrefe. In Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2018), Singapore, Singapore, August 2018. (Link)
- Ensuring Resource Trust and Integrity in Web Browsers using Blockchain Technology. Clemens H. Cap and Benjamin Leiding. In 1st Workshop on Blockchains for Inter-Organizational Collaboration (BIOC’18), Tallinn, Estonia, June 2018. (Link)
- Mapping Requirements Specifications into a Formalized Blockchain-Enabled Authentication Protocol for Secured Personal Identity Assurance. Benjamin Leiding and Alex Norta. In 4th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE2017), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2017. (Link)
- Securing the Authcoin Protocol Using Security Risk-Oriented Patterns. Benjamin Leiding. Master’s Thesis, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany, 2017. (Link)
- Dead Letters to Alice – Reachability of E-Mail Addresses in the PGP Web of Trust. Benjamin Leiding and Andreas Dähn. In Baltic Young PhD Conference (BaSoTI 2016), Tallinn, Estonia, August 2016. (Link)
- Authcoin: Validation and Authentication in Decentralized Networks. Benjamin Leiding, Clemens H. Cap, Thomas Mundt, and Samaneh Rashidibajgan. In The 10th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems – MCIS 2016, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2016. (Link)
- Self-managed and Blockchain-based Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Benjamin Leiding, Parisa Memarmoshrefi, and Dieter Hogrefe. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2016. (Link)
- Link Topological Analysis of the PGP Web of Trust. Benjamin Leiding. Bachelor’s Thesis, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 2015.
- Exploring Classroom Response Systems in Practical Scenarios. Benjamin Leiding, Jonas Vetterick, and Clemens H. Cap. In Baltic Young PhD Conference (BaSoTI 2014), Riga, Latvia, August 2014. (Link)